3rd Teaser for Part 2: Faith & Hope

“The Armed Response Security Unit was the private police force for the Plaza Hotel…The ARSU officers had been trained in self-defense tactics, weapons and firearms tactics, public relations, and communication skills, all to help deescalate hostile situations. Each officer wore a standard security uniform that consisted of a white button-down shirt with the ARSU logo, black pants, and black shoes. Underneath each uniform, the officers wore concealable Type II-A bulletproof vests capable of stopping 9mm to .45-caliber bullets, but the armory held Class III plated jackets able to withstand a 7.62mm round. All Personnel carried a Beretta 92 nine-millimeter semi-automatic pistol, but the automatic carbine rifles remained locked in the armory in case of high-profile incidents.” 

Excerpt From: J S Webster. “Requiem of Old Glory.” Apple Books.   


Copyright © 2021 J. S. Webster


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