4th Teaser from Part 3: The Golden Locket

 Part 3: The Golden Locket

“Once they were inside, Robert heard movement behind them. He swiftly pointed his gun into the back of the ambulance. Huddled together, staring at them in terror, were eight people.”

“We’ll make introductions later,” he whispered to everyone, “for now, let’s get out of here. Where are we going?”

Sarah spoke quickly, “I-95 and head east. We need to get my sister, Becky.”


Excerpt From: J S Webster. “Requiem of Old Glory.” Part 3: The Golden Locket. Apple Books.


Available on Kindle, Smashwords, Apple Books, KOBO, and Barnes & Noble.


Copyright © 2021 J. S. Webster

All rights reserved. 


Image by Jaslie Sitoy 


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