4th Teaser from Part 2: Faith & Hope

4th Teaser from Part 2: Faith & Hope

 “Kirk Hart stood in the security office inside the Plaza with his coworker, Lieutenant Marcus Hill. They worked the day crew together, and though Hart was Hill’s superior, they were very good friends. The security office included several important factors that kept the facility secure at all times - multiple cameras inside and outside the facility, immediate access to the armory, hand-held radios, and a communications system that included a Police Ban radio and an emergency call system for the hotel, similar to dialing 9-1-1.”


Excerpt From: J S Webster. “Requiem of Old Glory.” Apple Books.


Available on KindleSmashwordsApple Books, KOBO, and Barnes & Noble.


Copyright © 2021 J. S. Webster

All rights reserved. 


Image by Jaslie Sitoy 


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