"Requiem of Old Glory" UPDATE is now LIVE!

“Requiem of Old Glory” now has a cleaner version, and has been updated and uploaded onto Amazon and Smashwords outlets. Now you can relive the terror, and dive back into the action without fumbling through sentence structure issues, or grammar anomalies. Thanks to T. Graf - my new editor - “Requiem of Old Glory” reads smoothly now, and there are no changes to the story. You won’t be disappointed! 

If you previously purchased this book on either of these outlets then you will be able to upload the newer version without cost to you. Let me know if you do run into difficulties downloading the updated versions with either Kindle or Smashwords. Again - it should be 100% free to download the newer Ebook version of “Requiem of Old Glory.” 

This is my gift to you - my readers. 

For new buyers and readers: the price of the Ebook has been reduced as low as I could get it on Kindle ($2.99) and its a new low price on Smashwords ($1.99). 

As an added addition, I am formatting “Requiem of Old Glory” for paperback as promised. Paperback will ONLY be available for purchase on Amazon. It will hopefully be available on paperback in the next few weeks.

The audio version is next...

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