A Look Inside "Requiem of Old Glory"

A look inside...

"Requiem of Old Glory" is the first chronicle and a prequel to an apocalyptic future where the United States, and bordering countries have been utterly wiped out due to a highly communicable man-made virus called ZO-9. On June 5th, 2015, four coordinated terror attacks unleashed a bioweapon on US soil. A realistic end of days scenario. 

A survival horror story with sci-fi, action and romantic elements coupled with gore and disturbing violence. Reader's discretion advised. The bioweapon ZO-9 transforms humans into a new species called the Tainted. The virus rips away the humanity of those infected and transforms them into homicidal mutations with enhanced strength and agility, and an invulnerability to most conventional forms of attacks. Battling these creatures will require ingenuity and collaboration. When America's end is inevitable, survival through unity becomes necessary. 

This book is divided into three separate, yet interconnected parts. The stories are about the survivors. Average Americans fighting for their own survival and the survival of the entire human race. 

"Part 1: Operation Zebra" is an interconnected story set in San Diego, California. An SDPD SWAT team battles against the Tainted to save a community of teenagers and children while Commander Hodges utilizes a fleet of Navy Seahawks to rescue survivors from the Tainted menace. Will Ofc. Carter and his teammates save those desperate youth, or be rescued by the stalwart Hodges through a Search and Rescue operation? An action-packed story that drops the reader directly into combat and flows steadily until the conclusion. 

"Part 2: Faith and Hope" is focused on interconnected stories in Las Vegas, Nevada. A Casino Security team led by a very capable Captain Hart manages to secure a safe haven at the Plaza Hotel. Meanwhile, Carl Edwards gears up and departs from Ohio to locate and save his friend Emily Sands who has become trapped and injured at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Will Hart be able to maintain the safety and security of his hotel guests long enough for help to arrive? Will Carl find and rescue his friend Emily, or will her faith save her from the shadows of death? A vital part of this series that expounds upon the tight bonds of friendship, and the power of a unified people in the face of adversity. 

"Part 3: The Golden Locket" is set in Baltimore, Maryland. The story revolves around Sarah and Becky Miller - two inseparable sisters that become separated by a Tainted infested city. Sarah finds refuge with a local cop that covets her affections while Becky finds herself trapped in circumstances much worse than the Tainted plague. Will Sarah reach her sister in time, or will Becky discover too late the true nature of her host? A twisted story about human nature, and the unstoppable power of love between siblings. 

Requiem of Old Glory can be purchased on Ebook and Paperback on Amazon

Copyright © 2021 J. S. Webster

Images by Jaslie Sitoy and J.S. Webster

All rights reserved. 

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